Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How do you take your music?

I had a wake up connection with Holy Spirit last night. It involved a mix of surrender, peace, freedom to be, excitement, and remembering that He is my favorite best friend- seriously!

Then, as I was waking up this morning, I caught a snippet of the dream I was dreaming:

There was this special man and alot of women present. It was as if we were there to each catch a special moment with him (like our one night with the king). Hoping that we caught his eye.
He came to me and the question he asked me was: " Do you eat music?".

For a moment I was confused.. what? Then, I remembered something and said, " No, we drink it." And then, I saw a sparkle in his eye! I had caught his attention.
He walked away... but I was still on his mind.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

mmm... Spring, how delicious! I love the daffodills, buttercups, tulip and cherry trees, but my most favorite sight is the tasty green budding out... the fresh grassy patches, the bright green weeping willows bursting forth... It's so delightfully yummy to my soul. I confess, i just want to try a nibble or two.. its got to be nourishing that color of bright spring!
I know for certain when I see those delicious trees as I drive down the streets.. as the glory of spring overwhelms my senses completely, that creation is whispering a loud shout of truth to our spirits.
You cannot pass by this fresh beauty springing forth and not be raptured by a sense of hope dawning. A sense of peace that the winter is finally passing and colorful treasures are popping out to prove that the death has passed and resurrection life has come to us.
So take a drink... a deep drink of the bright new glory whispers in the flowers and trees. Let the new life get deep inside you and taste and see that the Lord is good.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What's Inside?

Seek and find.
Everyone who seeks finds. And whoever knocks, the door will be opened.

Jesus is so good.
He is totally the hope declarer to all who have forgotten who they are, or who He is.