To all my charismaniacs and over-the-top revivalists, I have a wondering about something. After spending night after night in hyped up intensity beyond belief, entering in deeper and higher to activate the angelic realm to come and move and bring the presence of The Lord... for healing, miracles, deliverance, signs and wonders... at the end of the day, what if all that amazing bing! bang! boom! in the heavens is pretty much useless because of the most important ingredient being missing. The ingredient of love. (which, I am not saying that it is always missing, but it could be sometimes)...
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a gong or a clanging cymbal. If I can fathom all mysteries.. give all I possess to the poor, but have not love, I am nothing...If I surrender my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
I realized something. Jesus said that many will come to Him and say, Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name"... and He will say to them, depart from me for I never knew you. This tells me that we can actually be operating in the gifts and connected with God's angelic activity, but totally miss it, if we don't have love. So, love is the thing that makes all that matter.
I'm just saying this because it occurred to me that if love really is the one thing that makes all the bing! bang! boom! stuff matter, then shouldn't we be teaching, preaching, learning and seeking love MORE than all the amazements of heaven?
Not to snuff out the lovely raindrops of golden glory, miraculous wonders of Father's heart manifesting before our very eyes... Just to honor a very precious truth that will cause all of the golden glory glitter to gleam with depth and stick like glue to the fabric of our beings... get it in deep to the real connector places of relationship... Honor and value L.O.V.E.
Just something I've been thinking about.