pic from: lilsugar.com
Ya know how you were born one day, suddenly popping out into this wild new atmosphere of fresh air and loud noises and no more happy water surroundings. And then, peace engulfed you as you were swaddled in your mother's arms. And you slowly began the journey, discovery... your existence. Well, what about your existence prior to your existence on planet earth?
Abba knew us before we were born. Maybe even before our spirits were born in the very forming of our mother's womb... because we are forged in the secret place from the depths of God's heart. "Every day of our lives were written about in His book before one of them came to be". We are deep treasures and expressions of God...Wow! He pondered us, created us, designed us... He knew us before we existed. Just like we were safely formed in our mother's womb, we were safely surrounded by His love as He pondered and created each of our unique designs.
So, what about Abba's special creations that are longing to be birthed and have not been given the chance? What about the unborn? There is a cry that I feel in my spirit..cries of those waiting to be born. Beautiful ones in Father's heart.
Just a reminder to remember the ones yet to be. It is up to us, the father's and mothers of this generation to carefully live our lives so that our children and the children of this world can be released to live the beautiful destinies that are straight from the heart of God.