The other day I was scrounging around for another edible object to complete my lunchtime scenario of random things found in the kitchen for consumption. Fresh Fruit was what my taste buds were thinking of in particular... But alas, all that remained were wilty mealy apples in the fruit bowl. I grabbed an apple, chopped it up and plopped it in the frying pan. It turned out quite a tasty compliment to my apple chicken sausage. Today, it is peaches... Hard peaches. So, into the frying pan you go little buddies. It's like pie without the other stuff. As they say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
This redirecting of not so edible fruit has got me thinking.. God makes pie out of our wilted, hard, and bitter blunderings. He doesn't waste the things in our lives that seem to be wasting away. He just throws them into the pie. And once they bake in the oven a bit, all the flavor comes out of their hidden little cells and permeates the pie and delights taste buds.
So say you have gotten bitter from an old wound. Or, Your attitude at work has become sour and you are getting to be unproductive. Your friends don't find your aroma to be quite so pleasing any more. And moldy things are starting to grow where you used to be full of vibrant creativity.
Good thing God makes pie. It always tastes good when He is making it. Your bitterness turns to sweet when he bakes it in hot bubbly sauces. He chops off the moldy things, saves the rest and wilty becomes soft and delicious in his loving and merciful kitchen. And everybody wants a piece of God's pie when it comes out of the oven.