Today, while weeding in my garden, I dug up some treasures. I had a little discovery about the process of weeding, organically speaking. You can either painstakingly, patiently pull with all your might to remove the unwanted weed waste from your garden while it is alive and firmly bolted into the soil... or there is another way to more easily remove them. You can cover them with something to keep them from seeing the light of day, and they will die. Then, the process of removal is rather cinch-like. After pondering this.. a little treasure party opened up to me: I thought, hmm that sounds familiar... covering! Just like love covers a multitude of sins. The lesson revealing that if we cover the weeds of our soul, keeping them from the life giving qualities of thought, meditation, remembrance.. and basically leave them to die, they will! And we can kindly treat ourselves to the truth, knowing that the weeds are not us, we are the precious fruit bearing plants worth pruning. If we cover ourselves with mercy and let our weaknesses and twistings of thought die, then we can easily come back and pull them up with out so much of a fight!
I love how God doesn't waste any of His creation. He uses every aspect of it for our enjoyment, our learning, revelation, blessing, etc. If you don't feed something, it dies!
How very insightful! Thank you for the blessing!
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