Sunday, November 11, 2012


So, recently I happened upon this ridiculously informative material about heaven. I devoured the entire book in as fast a moment as possible and now I am left to attempt processing the extraordinary boggling bliss of eternity.
It's entirely fascinating.. Way more than I imagined.. Too exciting.. So very breathtakingly gorgeous.. Senses overload.. My senses are on overload trying to catch up with all the bliss awaiting me..
It seems like God has picked this special time to share these treasures with me.. in this grieving time, I have been so thankful to have such a fairytale land to escape to for comfort.. And this land is my true home!
It makes it easier to let loved ones go when you know you can spend countless precious moments with them in eternity.
I keep wanting to hear more about my heaven home.. But each time I do, I'm instantly overwhelmed with way too much information..
But, at the moment, Im contemplating this simple thing.. It may very well be my favorite find when I reach the glory. And it is.. God's eyes are blue pools of pure love.
After you have peered through the brightness of His sunshine Glory, you can see His face. And there is no frightened piddly mr.Oz. It is gentle liquid love radiating right into you.
And Jesus and the Father look exactly alike. His eyes are blue too.
These may be simple finds.. But after all that be giggling glory extravagance that sounds to be endless in heaven, I can't comprehend it any longer.. And all I really want is to see Jesus and my Heavenly Father. I wasn't sure if we were ever gonna get to see him for all the light. So, I can't wait to look into His face and be at home forever.


Ashley said...

Once, God let me peek into heaven's room of no more tears, just a peek and it was syrupy light and weightlessness, surreal and dreamsicley with a satisfaction that just can't ever be described. Love you, sweet one.

Gretchen said...

Oh, lovely! I should like to sit in there for a while :)