Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Memory That Heals

God gave me a gift when I was in Germany. 10 years later, I am realizing it's secret value. 
He had pepper gray hair, a big broad shouldered man who built on to his 400 year old house from scratch with rough hewn timbers. Somehow, I was instantly his favorite. He treated me like a father would his daughter. The special gift was his attentiveness. He noticed me.. In a sweet caring fatherly provider kind of a way. He had a keen eye to notice that I was hungry or might need a drink. Always came to offer me his arm under his umbrella when it rained. It was like he took me under his wing while I was in his company to make sure my hosts were on top of things concerning me. His smile towards me was full of confidence and strength. And when it came time to say goodbye, he kissed me on the forehead! 
It meant so much to me because my hosts were frequently oblivious to some of my basic needs and since they were paying, I didn't feel I could ask for food if they weren't hungry at the moment.

What a treasure! I have discovered God was treating my heart to a wonderful revelation of his ever attentive shepherding heart towards me, a little memory to bask in, mediate on.. And let it teach my heart the truth about my heavenly Father and how He cares for me so attentively.

I had a dream that seemed a mystery to me once.. And I've been pondering it lately.. And I think the revelation has arrived! 
He used that confident shepherd in Germany to speak to my spirit about his father heart towards me! And though my expectations for a husband seem to have been train wrecked, He is holding me high up in His high tower.. I'm sitting on His lap and he is reading to me an alive story of hope in the midst of suffering.

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